Welcome to a new episode of In Contact! Health and the body is the main topic this week. What will we learn this week?
We'll see some useful expressions, mostly based on auxiliary modal verbs, to give recommendations regarding health and habits. A few expressions related to parts of the body and health conditions will be explained, of course followed by a challenge for you to practice. We'll be in contact with the world as we analyse the main differences between orthodox and alternative medicine. In our Top 5, you'll listen to five songs which talk about health conditions (not a pleasant topic, though!), and we'll conclude with a brainy challenge: once more, our students will demonstrate how much they know about the human body!
As you listen to the episode, can you answer the following questions in our comment section? It would be awesome to have your thoughts!
- Do you have healthy habits? Why? Why not?
- Is there any effective, interesting or unusual recipe which you'd recommend for general ailments such as the common cold, the flu or even exhaustion?
- What's your opinion on the different health trends today? For example, are you under any medical treatment? Have you tried any form of alternative medicine, such as acupuncture?
Physical and mental health is a unique treasure we've been given. Let's make sure we look after it!
Have a marvelous day!