Tuesday, 4 October 2016

In Contact! Episode 12: History

Image taken from http://www.norwellschools.org/cms/lib02/MA01001453/Centricity/Domain/475/World%20History%20collage.jpg
History is a subject we all should be interested in, since it lets us understand not only the situation in our nation but also what's happening around the world. Being analytical and critical about the past should help us be more aware of the present, as well as move us to make a difference for the future. If you ever find history boring, be sure there are many ways to make it easier and funnier to learn!

In this episode we'll discuss some important world events from history: for that, we'll check the pronunciation of regular past verbs and we'll learn some historical curious facts that teachers might not have taught you in school; we'll share with you some idioms you may use when talking about the past, and you'll enjoy our five recommended songs that were inspired by historical events that have changed our world; of course, we'll also test how much people in our university know about some remarkable history facts. 

For sure you'll find this episode very informative! As you listen, can you think of your answers to these questions?
  • Do you find history interesting? Why / Why not?
  • How much do you know about history? Do you keep on learning about history today?
  • How important is it to know history in your field of knowledge / career / occupation?
  • What do you think is the most important event in history, and why?
  • If you could change one moment in history, which one would it be and why?
Don't forget to share your answers on the comment section below this post! We'd be happy to hear from you!

 In Contact! Episode 9 - Emotions WANT THE TRANSCRIPT? Click here! 

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