Monday, 7 November 2016

In Contact! Episode 22: Regrets

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One feeling everyone has had at least once in their lives is regret. Yes, we know, it can be an awful feeling. And even though some people feel it more often than others, there are many situations in life in which we may repent the choices we've made and want things to be different. But don't worry, even mistakes or unfortunate situations can help us learn and improve!

In this episode of In Contact! we'll have some valuable information to help you express yourself when you're sorry: in fact, our grammar dose will give you some useful expressions you may consider using to express your regrets, and the idiom dose will come loaded with conversational expressions about the topic. We'll be in contact with the world and with some information about some of the greatest regrets in modern history, as well as some recommended songs related to this feeling. We've also invited two people from our university to tell us about their regrets and about the things they'd never feel sorry about.

Now, as you listen to the show, we'd like you to answer some of these questions (don't forget to post your answers!):
  • If you could turn back the time, what event would you change in your life and why?
  • Would you study something different or go for a different occupation if you had the chance? If so, what decision would you make?
  • What's the biggest regret you have now? How did that decision change your life?
  • Is there anything in your life you don't feel sorry about, even though other people may think it is wrong?
We're sure you'll like this episode and you'll feel no sorrow for listening to it. Have a wonderful time, and don't forget to be in contact!

 In Contact! Episode 9 - Emotions WANT THE TRANSCRIPT? Click here! 

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